Thank you all for working so hard Tuesday night. We are seeing the results in the music and with two rehearsals to go (next Tuesday and the dress) we have the time to sing through the program a couple of times. At the risk of being obvious, the key to success in this program now will be reviewing what we did Tuesday night, checking the places where you are having individual challenges, and committing as much of it to memory as possible. The rest is listening and being aware not just of your section but all the other sections in the choir. I was excited after this rehearsal as I am realizing the musical possibilities of us singing this program at St. Patricks. I am excited as we once again get to share a concert with the youthful enthusiasm of Xara. I am excited as two composers for whom I have tremendous respect will come and hear us sing two world premieres of their pieces.
So as you continue to study, work, and memorize, please remember the following:
- please use every opporttunity to tell people about the concert. Sell those tickets! I sent an email to the SNSC in preparation for this Saturday's Mozart Requiem rehearsal, letting the singers that you would have tickets at the rehearsal to sell.
- Tuesday's rehearsal is at St. Patrick's on Brunswick St. Parking will take longer than at the MCPA so allow enough time to find the church and get parked.
- the Saturday November 6 dress rehearsal will also be a photo shoot and concert dress is required.
Have great week and see you Saturday.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thursday Thoughts
Someone said to me Tuesday night, that there was a study done which stated that in order to perform a piece to the best of your ability, you had to sing it through at least 8 times. Given the original source, I have no reason to doubt the statistic, and if we take the theory to its nth degree, then we will have to sing some of the rep through twice on October 26, November 2 and at the dress on November 5 to achieve the magic number. Not sure if this is possible, however I do know that as most of the work is now complete we do need to sing through "Many Winters" many times to let the piece jell. Your work on Tuesday was concentrated and in the end, aside from a few glitches, we have the majority of the piece. So what we need to do now is review individually, memorize as much as possible and be able to get out of the score.
By now you all have my email re Jeff Enns' suggestion as how to solve the text question in m. 36 - 40. It should be an easy fix so take a look at what that it means for you re the text and make the changes.
I also talked to Peter Togni yesterday and I asked him to send me his thoughts on "Requiem et Lux" which I am including here for you to read and think about:. I believe it puts his piece in context:
" On January 17th 2009, the world lost a great Canadian painter, the 55 year old John Brocke. He was killed in a head on collision near his home in the Annapolis Valley. On that day I lost a dear friend who was always like a brother to me. I first met John when I was living in Calgary, in fact we were next door neighbours and shared many things, we even made wine together. John's paintings were huge, he was very maticulous so much so that he could only complete one or two paintings a year. His work was filled with his deep faith and with incredible light and hope. John and I had another thing in common, a great love for Russia, it's people, art and music. John had once visited Russia to meet with artists and to study icons. This Russian visit was very important to him and it influenced his work deeply. He was also very much drawn to the sense of pathos in Russian sacred choral music. Because of this I wanted " Requiem et Lux " to flow like a Russian Orthodox hymn. The first part is somber, human, full of tears with great passionate swells. The second half of the work moves into the light and speaks of eternity. "
In the next two weeks we have the opportunity to promote this concert in all kinds of ways. Dave J. made an excellent suggestion at the AGM after Tuesday's rehearsal - that we need to make better use of social networking to promote our activities. We're already doing this in Danielle's N.'s regular Facebook posts, (and many of you are doing the same by announcing the concert and selling tickets on your profiles) and our usual use of email to promote the concert to our address contacts. We have a fabulous new website which has the ability to accept ticket payments online - really easy and convenient so make sure you mention this to people. Twitter was another suggestion. But let's not forget about the tried and true methods: posters and flyers, announcing the concert to our church choirs and having our tickets close at hand to sell to people with whom we have everyday contact. I'm doing an interview with Olga Milosevitch the week of the concert and Tenille has blitzed the local churches, CBC and the press with a great PSA. The generation of a lot of talk and hype about the concert will pay off so please do not underestimate your role in all of this.
Thanks for your thoughts, your hard work both in rehearsal and at home and your obvious committment to this music. Please stay healthy, as from now on to the concert, I need everyone at rehearsals.
By now you all have my email re Jeff Enns' suggestion as how to solve the text question in m. 36 - 40. It should be an easy fix so take a look at what that it means for you re the text and make the changes.
I also talked to Peter Togni yesterday and I asked him to send me his thoughts on "Requiem et Lux" which I am including here for you to read and think about:. I believe it puts his piece in context:
" On January 17th 2009, the world lost a great Canadian painter, the 55 year old John Brocke. He was killed in a head on collision near his home in the Annapolis Valley. On that day I lost a dear friend who was always like a brother to me. I first met John when I was living in Calgary, in fact we were next door neighbours and shared many things, we even made wine together. John's paintings were huge, he was very maticulous so much so that he could only complete one or two paintings a year. His work was filled with his deep faith and with incredible light and hope. John and I had another thing in common, a great love for Russia, it's people, art and music. John had once visited Russia to meet with artists and to study icons. This Russian visit was very important to him and it influenced his work deeply. He was also very much drawn to the sense of pathos in Russian sacred choral music. Because of this I wanted " Requiem et Lux " to flow like a Russian Orthodox hymn. The first part is somber, human, full of tears with great passionate swells. The second half of the work moves into the light and speaks of eternity. "
In the next two weeks we have the opportunity to promote this concert in all kinds of ways. Dave J. made an excellent suggestion at the AGM after Tuesday's rehearsal - that we need to make better use of social networking to promote our activities. We're already doing this in Danielle's N.'s regular Facebook posts, (and many of you are doing the same by announcing the concert and selling tickets on your profiles) and our usual use of email to promote the concert to our address contacts. We have a fabulous new website which has the ability to accept ticket payments online - really easy and convenient so make sure you mention this to people. Twitter was another suggestion. But let's not forget about the tried and true methods: posters and flyers, announcing the concert to our church choirs and having our tickets close at hand to sell to people with whom we have everyday contact. I'm doing an interview with Olga Milosevitch the week of the concert and Tenille has blitzed the local churches, CBC and the press with a great PSA. The generation of a lot of talk and hype about the concert will pay off so please do not underestimate your role in all of this.
Thanks for your thoughts, your hard work both in rehearsal and at home and your obvious committment to this music. Please stay healthy, as from now on to the concert, I need everyone at rehearsals.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday Thoughts
With two (2) more rehearsals before concert week, everyone now needs to be in high gear and getting this music in your heads. We all need to have portions of this concert from memory so that at crucial times in the scores, I can be assured that I have your eyes. The time for note learning is over and over the next two rehearsals (before we go to St. Patrick's where the acoustic alone will be the challenge) my emphasis will be on "performing" the repertoire.
"Many Winters" still is a challenge and I ask that everyone spends time with this score before Tuesday. This sounds obvious but really know where you need to look up - ie tempo changes, meter changes, etc. Historically Camerata has not premiered new pieces with its best possible performance but after the choir has sung through the pieces a number of times, the performances/recordings are considerably stronger. Last year's Gjeilo piece was a classic example. I think with much effort we can break this trend for "Many Winters." This is my goal - that Jeff Enns gets a truly inspired reading of "Many Winters" when he sits in the audience on November 7th. The same for Peter Togni's piece "Requiem et Lux." Think about what this means for each of you.
Please remember:
- next Tuesday, October 19th we will begin rehearsal at 6:45 pm and will work for 1 3/4 hours until 8:30 pm when Camerata's AGM will take place. The AGM (which is for everyone) will run for 1 hour and we will be gone by 9:30 pm. The Board has been assembling documents and preparing for the AGM and will join us at 8:30 pm.
- the Saturday dress rehearsal (November 6th) will also include a photo shoot taking place throughout the rehearsal. Concert dress will be required.
- this Saturday, we will rehearse Mozart Requiem at Bethany: 10-12:30 pm. Please be there as the cancelling of the October 23 rehearsal depends on my assurance that everyone knows what they are doing by the time we finish Saturday's rehearsal.
- please sell our concert tickets. This concert is a great opportunity to put us over the financial top if everyone promotes the concert and makes an effort to sell the tickets. Thanks to Danielle N. for a great Facebook page - eveyone forward it on to as many of your friends as you can.
- you have Tuesday, November 16 off. You will need the rest after the November 7, 11 and 14 concerts.
- only those who absolutely cannot do a concert for Musique St. Bernard on June 26, 2011 were asked to email me. Hearing from no one, I am assuming you all are free to sing the concert. We will discuss it as a choir but please put the date on your calendars.
- congratulations and best wishes to Lynn Erskine as he is ordained to the Christian ministry this Friday evening at Immanuel Baptist Church, Truro.
Thanks for your continued hard work. See you all on Saturday.
"Many Winters" still is a challenge and I ask that everyone spends time with this score before Tuesday. This sounds obvious but really know where you need to look up - ie tempo changes, meter changes, etc. Historically Camerata has not premiered new pieces with its best possible performance but after the choir has sung through the pieces a number of times, the performances/recordings are considerably stronger. Last year's Gjeilo piece was a classic example. I think with much effort we can break this trend for "Many Winters." This is my goal - that Jeff Enns gets a truly inspired reading of "Many Winters" when he sits in the audience on November 7th. The same for Peter Togni's piece "Requiem et Lux." Think about what this means for each of you.
Please remember:
- next Tuesday, October 19th we will begin rehearsal at 6:45 pm and will work for 1 3/4 hours until 8:30 pm when Camerata's AGM will take place. The AGM (which is for everyone) will run for 1 hour and we will be gone by 9:30 pm. The Board has been assembling documents and preparing for the AGM and will join us at 8:30 pm.
- the Saturday dress rehearsal (November 6th) will also include a photo shoot taking place throughout the rehearsal. Concert dress will be required.
- this Saturday, we will rehearse Mozart Requiem at Bethany: 10-12:30 pm. Please be there as the cancelling of the October 23 rehearsal depends on my assurance that everyone knows what they are doing by the time we finish Saturday's rehearsal.
- please sell our concert tickets. This concert is a great opportunity to put us over the financial top if everyone promotes the concert and makes an effort to sell the tickets. Thanks to Danielle N. for a great Facebook page - eveyone forward it on to as many of your friends as you can.
- you have Tuesday, November 16 off. You will need the rest after the November 7, 11 and 14 concerts.
- only those who absolutely cannot do a concert for Musique St. Bernard on June 26, 2011 were asked to email me. Hearing from no one, I am assuming you all are free to sing the concert. We will discuss it as a choir but please put the date on your calendars.
- congratulations and best wishes to Lynn Erskine as he is ordained to the Christian ministry this Friday evening at Immanuel Baptist Church, Truro.
Thanks for your continued hard work. See you all on Saturday.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thursday Thoughts
Thank you all for a good rehearsal on Tuesday. Although there is still work to be done on these scores, we made a lot of progress especially on "Many Winters." As I said at the rehearsal, the more I work on this piece, the more I realize how profound Jeff Enns' setting is. He will be coming to the premiere on November 7th, and in a recent conversation he told me he can't wait to hear us perform it live.
Jill Rafuse has asked me that if you plan on submitting memorial names to the program that the deadline is this Sunday, October 10. For new singers, submitting a name simply means you have the opportunity to remember anyone in your life who has passed on and who has had an impact on you: a family member, a teacher, etc. You may submit as many names as you like but the deadline is Sunday so please get the names to Jill.
Advertising seems to be going well but remember that deadline is fast approaching as well. Please get all program ads in to Tenille asap or at least speak to her and let her know the ad is coming.
Everyone who was at rehearsal on Tuesday now has tickets. You each only have 4 and you are our best advertisers. This concert has been very well attended in the past and we have a glorious opportunity to sell it out this year with the combination of the Camerata and Xara together. If you have historically just handed your tickets back in, please make an effort to ask friends, work colleagues, fellow church choir members, members of SNSC, etc., etc and you might be surprised who may want to come. I'm asking that you make an extra effort, that's all. This organization belongs to all of us and the days of just showing up and singing are over. I have just come from a meeting with Peter Guilford of the Dept of Tourism and Culture and everyone out there is asking for more money. Our programs are increasing and so are the economic challenges of running an organization like Camerata. Everyone from the Board, to the singers, to the staff are all working tremendously hard but let's increase our audience and show people why we won the Willan Prize in May! (For those of you who don't have your tickets, you don't need them in hand to take orders.)
There were a number of people away on Tuesday due to illness and work committments, but remember it is your responsibility to keep up with the work load. I cannot take the time to review. For this week the message is simple: review everything! I will finish "Many Winters" and Requiem et Lux" but be assured we will work on most of the rep. As well, remember "Eternity" needs to be memorized. Christina will have some time to work on that piece with you this Tuesday.
I would be remiss not to congratulate Sheena Henderson and Jason Balcolm who will be married this Thanksgiving weeend. I know that I speak for all of us in Camerata and wish you both years of happiness together.
Have a happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone. Thank you again for last Tuesday. You were a shining light for me in the middle of the chaos!
Jill Rafuse has asked me that if you plan on submitting memorial names to the program that the deadline is this Sunday, October 10. For new singers, submitting a name simply means you have the opportunity to remember anyone in your life who has passed on and who has had an impact on you: a family member, a teacher, etc. You may submit as many names as you like but the deadline is Sunday so please get the names to Jill.
Advertising seems to be going well but remember that deadline is fast approaching as well. Please get all program ads in to Tenille asap or at least speak to her and let her know the ad is coming.
Everyone who was at rehearsal on Tuesday now has tickets. You each only have 4 and you are our best advertisers. This concert has been very well attended in the past and we have a glorious opportunity to sell it out this year with the combination of the Camerata and Xara together. If you have historically just handed your tickets back in, please make an effort to ask friends, work colleagues, fellow church choir members, members of SNSC, etc., etc and you might be surprised who may want to come. I'm asking that you make an extra effort, that's all. This organization belongs to all of us and the days of just showing up and singing are over. I have just come from a meeting with Peter Guilford of the Dept of Tourism and Culture and everyone out there is asking for more money. Our programs are increasing and so are the economic challenges of running an organization like Camerata. Everyone from the Board, to the singers, to the staff are all working tremendously hard but let's increase our audience and show people why we won the Willan Prize in May! (For those of you who don't have your tickets, you don't need them in hand to take orders.)
There were a number of people away on Tuesday due to illness and work committments, but remember it is your responsibility to keep up with the work load. I cannot take the time to review. For this week the message is simple: review everything! I will finish "Many Winters" and Requiem et Lux" but be assured we will work on most of the rep. As well, remember "Eternity" needs to be memorized. Christina will have some time to work on that piece with you this Tuesday.
I would be remiss not to congratulate Sheena Henderson and Jason Balcolm who will be married this Thanksgiving weeend. I know that I speak for all of us in Camerata and wish you both years of happiness together.
Have a happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone. Thank you again for last Tuesday. You were a shining light for me in the middle of the chaos!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Update (and final) Program
Hi folks,
The original document posted on Sept 7 with the program order for our upcoming concert had an error on it. I've replaced the incorrect document on the Sept 7 posting but am also including it here.
If you find it too small to read, just click on it and a larger image will open in a new window.
The original document posted on Sept 7 with the program order for our upcoming concert had an error on it. I've replaced the incorrect document on the Sept 7 posting but am also including it here.
If you find it too small to read, just click on it and a larger image will open in a new window.
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