My apologies for this being late - yesterday was the first rehearsal for my Girls' Choir and it seemed that there were way too many details to attend to!
As I said in my email - good beginnings on Tuesday. We have all the ingredients for a very fine choir this year. A big welcome to the new singers and I hope you find a home in Camerata.
Some housekeeping items (which for most of you are common sense):
- if you are going to be absent or late, I will expect to be notified, just as if I expect to be absent or late, I will make sure you all get a message. On Tuesdays I am in rehearsal in Truro and am unavailable from 3:15-4:30 pm. I leave for Halifax no later than 5:30 pm. Please make note of my contact info: 902-893-4242 (o); 902-899-6299 (c), 902-893-8425 (h) and email is:
- as the level of musicianship in Camerata is of a high standard, I expect everyone to arrive at rehearsal knowing the notes. No matter how good a musician you are, please don't come to rehearsal and sight read. I mentioned on Tuesday that 2 hours /week will not be uncommon for you to spend working on scores at home and your colleagues sitting next to you, in the sections singing near you or across the choir will appreciate the time and effort we all give to the music.
- I sent you all access info for the website. Please file it for reference. There are all kinds of documents you might want/need to read but the most important tools are found in the Choir Only section. Sean P. has downloaded reference recordings of a number of the works we are performing in concert. Use the recordings to get an idea of the shape and style of the piece - not where every breath, phrase and articulation is placed. Inevitably, our performances will be different.
Always in the Blog I will give info on my rehearsal for the following Tuesday so you can adequately prepare.
For next Tuesday the rehearsal will look like the following:
Lord's Prayer (Enns) - review work of last Tuesday. Phrasings should become an integral part of the line. Be confident with modulations, beginnings of new sections, etc.
Requiem (Howells) - be confident with movements I & II and learn notes of III & IV
In Paradisium (Corlis) - review
Ubi Caritas (Gjeilo) - review
Antiphon (Togni) - listen to the recording on the website. We may note get to this but be ready in case.
I am VERY much looking forward to our working with our guest clinician, the incomparable Elise Bradley on
Saturday, October 1, from 9:30-4:00 pm at Bethany United (remember: in the original schedule the workshop was also for the Friday night but Camerata Singers will be required only on the Saturday) Continuing Education for us all is how we become better musicians and the day we spend with Elise will be so invaluable to us all, whether you are a conductor, singer, auditor of the sessions, of just want to listen and watch how a international level conductor with Elise's experience works with a choir like Camerata. Thanks to the Camerata Board and the NS Department of Culture for making this workshop possible for Camerata and Xara.
Finally a huge round of virtual applause for (soprano) Danielle Kain and her husband in celebration of the safe arrival of Gabriel James Howard, born September 7 weighing in at a brusing 7 lbs 7 oz. Mom, Dad and Gabriel are doing wonderfully well. Congratulations and big hugs from us all, Danielle .
Again my sincere thanks for everything each one of you bring each time we work together. I truly missed not working with you during the summer, and our rehearsal was the highlight of my week. See you all next Tuesday.