We are coming down to the wire for this concert. I am pleased at the way we were able to fit things together in the Monteverdi. That was a big improvement. I know we are coming into March break and there will be an absence or three. My concern is that if you miss for any reason, there will be changes given to the choir of which you will not be aware (eg in the Monteverdi bass line this week). Remember it needs to be your responsibility to note the changes from the Blog (I will post them) and prepare accordingly for the rehearsal.
For this Tuesday
Chichester Psalms - Mvt I & II - run through. Especially review Mvt. 1
Blazhen muzh (Rachmaninoff) - get used to longer, more sustained phrases. Feel the quarter note. Consonants in text need improvement.
Taaveti Laul (Kreek) - run through w Tristan. Review text w recording and have a real feel for it.
Laudate Pueri (Monteverdi) - mark in your score how we changes many phrase endings. Note basses: everyone sings B1 part in solo sections.
Exultate Deo (King) - good sectional work. Please review (men: especially 7/8 section!) - complete run through on Tuesday.
Second- storey Sun - (Enns) complete run through
Sicut cervus (Palestrina) - complete run through from memory
Please remember to put up your concert posters and let's get active on FB and Twitter and promote this concert.. Have a great weekend!