Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday Thoughts but on Friday!

Good rehearsal on Tuesday.

The next time we are all together (to rehearse both the November 11 and December 9th repertoire) will be on Tuesday, October 9th at First Baptist.   With the exception of the Howard Cable piece, you have received most of the December 9th concert rep last Tuesday. Please give special attention to the Bo Holten "First Snow" before our next rehearsal as it is challenging, especially for the women. As I mentioned in rehearsal, we will use three women per part.

For October 9th:

Kyrie - Nickel (complete)
Dvadtsat Vosyem Shtikivikh - Nickel (complete)
In Paradisum - Allan (needs work:  I want to finish the piece, please prepare accordingly)
Tonight Eternity Alone - Clausen (complete)

First Snow - Holten - (please prepare and women, practice singing your parts in rhythm)
Rosa Mystica - Balfour
Noel Canadien - Cable (I will have scores for you)

I will see most of you on for the upcoming Creation rehearsals and performances.

Take care and happy weekend!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thursday Thoughts

Thank you for a great evening last night. It was so good to hear the sections in the choir coming together - especially with so many new folks in the line up. I hope the new singers feel welcome. In the introductions last night you didn't get the opportunity to welcome back baritone Michael Hodgett. Mike sang with us for a while in the past but his work commitments took him out of the country a lot. Now that this has changed, he is able to sing with us again so we also welcome him back to HCS.

The rep for November 11th is pretty straight forward and not too difficult. I'd like to get most of everything under our collective belts by the end of next Tuesday so I can begin adding in pieces from "A Child's Christmas in Wales."  We will be rehearsing the rep for two concerts simultaneously, and I will alert you which rehearsals that will happen. Right now I want to get the rep from November 11th learned as quickly as possible so please prepare accordingly for next week.

If you would like to listen to a Russian speaking the text of Twenty-Eight Bayonets or listen to a good recording of the piece, click here:

It was also good for me to be able to share with you some of my hopes and dreams for the future. I hope this was also exciting for you too. Organization-wise, the calendar here on the Blog has been updated and all rehearsal info up to Christmas is included.

Thanks again for a great night and see you next Tuesday.