Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

Thank you all so much - for a wonderful concert last Sunday afternoon at First Baptist. I have had so many compliments which I accepted on your behalf.  People really had a good time and came away with a new appreciation of what we do.  And in addition to your singing, John Hancock's spellbinding delivery of "A Child's Christmas In Wales,"  having Xara join us on stage - it was a concert which truly touched the record audience we had jammed into First Baptist. You are to be congratulated.

To all the people who worked behind the scenes to make the concert a success - and frankly there are way too many to list here - thank you!  Every spoke in this giant wheel contributes to its success and you all are important. However it is important on your behalf to say thank you to three singers who were replacing Camerata regulars on temporary leave: Shannon Lawson, Shannon Snelgrove and Leander Mendoza will not be with us in January and I'd like to say publically how much I appreciated getting to know each of you and working with you this last little while. Who knows when our paths will cross again.

To those of you who are singing Messiah - thank you for finding the energy on Tuesday night after a very busy weekend.  It was so much fun for me to dust this piece off again and to look at it with fresh eyes. For those I will not see until our next Camerata rehearsal on Tuesday, January 10, I wish you a safe and happy Christmas, full of great times with family and friends.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

A few reminders for the weekend concert:
  • the dress rehearsal Saturday begins at 10 am and Camerata will warm up and work our solo rep  until 11 am. During that time we will put together the piece with organ. Time will be precious.
  • Camerata and Xara will work joint rep from 11am-12:30 pm This includes the audience carols.
  • Camerata's Call on Sunday is 2:30 pm
  • March repertoire will be available on Saturday - please remember to pick up your music envelopes.
It's crunch time for tickets. Please make a last minute call, send an email, talk to your friends. This is going to be a wonderful concert. Thank you all.