Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday Thoughts

I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Ted Talks but it is a series of web chats of various lengths by remarkable people who have something to contribute. They are often inspirational, always thoughtful, sometimes controversial, but undoubtedly interesting. I'd like you to take 6:20 of your day before I see you next and click on this link. It's about leadership - and I suspect that each of you are the catalyst of some "lollipop moments" in your life.  (You'll understand when you watch the video.) You will also hear a shout out to a certain Maritime University of which some of you are alumnae. 

Now on to business. First of all thanks to everyone for embracing the sectionals the last two weeks and to Michelle and Christina for leading the women. We got a lot accomplished and guys you are doing well getting the Hebrew under your belts.  We'll not do sectionals next week as you now have the tools to learn on your own.

But for this concert you need to have a fluent knowledge of texts in Latin, German, Estonian, French, and Hebrew. The success of your singing this concert brilliantly is directly proportional to how convincingly you can interpret these languages. Period. We have a great deal of expertise within the choir of people who have a working knowledge of many of these languages and a language diction coach (Christina) who is very generous with her time and has recorded text pronunciations. Now you need to get the sound of the languages in your ears texts sooner rather than later. I'll not revisit the Mendelssohn  Psalms for a while but when I come back to them,  they need to be fluent. Ditto for the two memorized a capella Renaissance motets. We don't have the time right now as other pieces need more reheasrsal. Practice intelligently at home - speak the text of the Exultate Deo out loud in rhythm, the same with the Bernstein. Listen to the recorded texts of the Kreek and the Rachmaninoff  (I emailed the Kreek to you last week and Christina will record the Rachmaninoff and it will be emailed to you by the weekend).  Listen to good recordings of the repertoire - search You Tube and iTunes. All of these resources will speed things along but only if you make use of them.

So for next Tuesday - everyone rehearses together at 7pm:
Exultate Deo - Robin King
Chichester Psalms - mvt 2 & 3
Taaveti Laul - (review the recorded pronounciation emailed to you on Tuesday)
Blazen muzh - trio (work on text of the verses - check divisi sections - S2, A, T. 
Laudate pueri - Monteverdi (go over text and notes)
Sing Unto The Lord - Glick  (review)

Good luck and have fun working this music out. It really is fantastic and  promises to be an exciting concert.  Finally...remember those lollipop monents!

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